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Ceremonial academy marking the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Maritime Studies of the University of Rijeka

On 11 April, the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Maritime Studies, the oldest higher education institution in Rijeka, was celebrated with a ceremonial academy in the Exportdrvo building in Delta. The Faculty dates back to 4 April 1949, when the Higher Maritime School was founded in response to the development of shipping and the prevailing shortage of qualified seafarers and maritime personnel.

The Dean of the Faculty of Maritime Studies, Prof Ana Perić Hadžić, highlighted the most important events in the institution's development, which today enjoys international prestige and recognition. The event was attended by employees and retirees of the Faculty of Maritime Studies, representatives of public and state maritime institutions, academic communities from all over Croatia, and representatives of prestigious maritime universities from Bulgaria, Italy, and Montenegro. Speakers at the ceremony included Mayor Marko Filipović on behalf of the City of Rijeka, Head of the Administrative Department for Maritime Affairs, Transport and Communications Izabela Linčić Mužić on behalf of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and Vice-Rector for Students, Studies and Quality Assurance Prof Marta Žuvić on behalf of the Rector of the University of Rijeka, Prof Snježana Prijić Samaržija. Also present were the Archbishop of Rijeka and Metropolitan Msgr Mate Uzinić, and the Director of the Maritime Safety Directorate at the Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Siniša Orlić.

The guest of honor was Prof. Takeshi Nakazawa, Executive Director of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), who spoke about the successful cooperation between the Faculty and the Organization.

The musical program was enriched by the performance of the anthem of the Republic of Croatia and the anthem of Croatian seafarers, "Plovit se mora" by the choir of St. Juraj HRM.

With an immense dose of courage and responsibility, experience and energy, and knowledge as the only and the strongest drive, the Faculty of Maritime Studies will continue to support the common vision: "With knowledge we sail the world".

Svečana akademija kroz objektiv fotoaparata

Film o proslavi 75. obljetnice Pomorskog fakulteta u Rijeci

Film povodom 75. obljetnice Pomorskog fakulteta u Rijeci

Film about the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, April 2024

Velikih 75 godina Pomorskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci obilježeno je 11. travnja svečanom akademijom u zgradi Exportdrva na Delti. Najstarije visoko učilište u Rijeci svoj početak bilježi 4. travnja 1949. godine osnivanjem Više pomorske škole, kao rezultat evolucije brodarstva i sveprisutnog problema nedostatka kvalificiranih pomoraca i stručnog osoblja u pomorstvu.

Tijekom službenog dijela programa dekanica Pomorskog fakulteta, prof. dr. sc. Ana Perić Hadžić istaknula je ključne događaje u razvoju institucije, koja danas uživa ugled i prepoznatljivost na međunarodnoj razini. Osim djelatnika i umirovljenika Pomorskog fakulteta, događaj je privukao predstavnike javnih i državnih pomorskih institucija, akademskih zajednica diljem Hrvatske te predstavnike uglednih pomorskih učilišta iz Bugarske, Italije, Srbije i Crne Gore. Na svečanosti su se prisutnima obratili gradonačelnik Marko Filipović u ime Grada Rijeke, pročelnica Upravnog odjela za pomorsko dobro, promet i veze Izabela Linčić Mužić u ime Primorsko-goranske županije, te prorektorica za studije, studente i osiguravanje kvalitete prof. dr. sc. Marta Žuvić u ime rektorice Sveučilišta u Rijeci, prof. dr. sc. Snježane Prijić Samaržije. Svečanosti je nazočio i riječki nadbiskup i metropolit msgr. Mate Uzinić te ravnatelj Uprave za sigurnost plovidbe Ministarstva mora, prometa i infrastrukture Siniša Orlić.

Glazbeni program uveličala je klapa sv. Juraj Hrvatske ratne mornarice izvedbom himne Republike Hrvatske tehimne hrvatskih pomoraca „Plovit se mora“.

Pomorski fakultet će s neizmjernom dozom hrabrosti i odgovornosti, iskustvom i energijom te znanjem kao jedinim i najsnažnijim pogonom, nastavljati podupirati zajedničku viziju: „Znanjem plovimo svijetom!“


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