Dear colleagues, dear students, welcome to the Maritime Faculty!
By choosing the Maritime Faculty of the University of Rijeka, you will become part of the oldest and most important higher education and research institution in the maritime field in the Republic of Croatia, which has always set high standards for the education of future seafarers and professionals in the field of maritime and transport.
One of the fundamental goals of the Maritime Faculty is to implement high quality, efficient and innovative higher education at all levels of study in line with the needs of business and society. In teaching we use sophisticated equipment, simulators, laboratories, modern equipped classrooms, workshops, school ship and training grounds. More than 80 Faculty members, as well as external staff and experts from the field, are available to help students master their chosen courses of study with the greatest possible success.
In addition to the classical models of learning and teaching, we continuously introduce new technological achievements into the educational process, new methods and learning models with the aim of developing professional competencies as well as transversal skills. We develop models of learning through work and acquisition of practical skills to provide our students with quality education and prepare them for active participation in the labor market. In our work with students, we encourage an individual approach, small groups and a stimulating and creative atmosphere wherever possible. The opinions of students are very important to us. Therefore, we regularly conduct student surveys to monitor the quality of teachers' work and student satisfaction.
When enrolling Faculty, it is important to create a sense of belonging for each student. During studies, there are many opportunities to engage in a range of extracurricular activities: from participating in student body work, student associations and student projects, carrying out international cooperation activities, professional and scientific training and participation in conferences, participating in specialized "summer schools", courses and other types of mobility organized at the Faculty, University or partner institutions in the EU and the world, to various sports activities (sailing, rowing, basketball, handball, etc.) or humanitarian work.
Academic and professional experiences at other (especially foreign) educational institutions significantly enrich the study process and represent an added value for each student. Conditions have been created at the Faculty to achieve a satisfactory level of mobility for the purpose of learning and professional practice (Erasmus+, CEEPUS, YUFE, etc.). This is a good way to develop a personalized approach to learning.
Students' employability after graduation and their success in their professional and social careers is one of the key elements for our own evaluation and promotion. Our students work in senior positions in many well-known shipping companies, both on ships (ship captains, chief engineers, marine electrical engineers on the largest ships of Maersk, CMA CGM, TK, Shell, Columbia, etc.) and on land (senior managers at Maersk, Columbia, CMA CGM, etc.).
Within the Faculty, there is systematic support for students during and after their studies through various activities. The Center for Career Development and the ALUMNI Club of Graduates of the Maritime Faculty carry out career planning and development activities by connecting students with employers to facilitate job search, organizing workshops and training sessions for students with the aim of increasing students' skills required for entering the labor market, assistance in organizing formal and informal events at the Faculty (guest lectures by experts in the field, workshops, internships, Alumni Days, Career Days, sports competitions), organizing various forms of implementation of professional practice, etc. In this context, excellent cooperation has been established with companies in the maritime and transport industry.
Students are our central concern and equal members of our academic community. By participating in all Faculty activities-learning and teaching, research, quality improvement, and Faculty life in general-we can work together to achieve our shared vision: "With knowledge we sail the world".
We wish you success in your studies,
Prof. Ana Perić Hadžić, Dean