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The Department operates within the scientific field of Traffic Technology and Transport. The Department is the holder of the undergraduate and graduate university study program Transport and mobility, which includes knowledge in the field of technology, transport engineering, economy, law, and optimization of the process in maritime and land traffic. The content of university studies is based on the principles that strive to meet the market's continuous demands. The acquired knowledge enables employment of students and successful organisation of the transport process in various maritime and transport companies in the public and private sector, such as ports, port authorities, ship-owners, road and rail carriers, agencies, shippers, customs, and authorities of the state, county, and local administrations in the field of maritime affairs and traffic.
In the function of performing the mentioned university programs and practical upgrading of study programs of undergraduate and graduate study Transport and mobility, the Department within the Laboratory for Traffic Modelling and Simulations in Traffic has especially valuable equipment and tools for computer modelling and simulation of traffic networks and traffic flows (3D graphic design, 3D animation, GIS mapping, 3D transport infrastructure modelling). These tools are used for strategic and tactical traffic planning, for the evaluation of future traffic scenarios, as support in determining the benefits and costs of strategic studies, spatial planning documentation, feasibility studies of projects, etc. Therefore, due to their characteristics, they became the standard in the development of transport models at the national or regional level.

